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The American Dream


The era of industrialization has subsided since the events that transpired between the years of 1870 - 1916 in the United States, labeled the "Gilded Age" by Mark Twain. Replacing labor with innovation, some refer to this era as a thin veil of gold masking underlying social issues. Others view The Gilded Age as the period following Reconstruction, when the American economy grew at its fastest rate in history.


Now more than ever this country needs a renaissance in industrialization. Technology has advanced ten fold with innovation and tools that continually achieve higher standards in science and engineering. These technological advances in engineering and technology have yet to be fully appreciated and integrated seamlessly within the current infrastructure of the United States. We the People of the United States of America need to advance these innovations toward a National Work Project that promotes capitalism, entrepreneurship, nationalism, patriotism, and most of all democracy. Bolstering our inalienable rights and liberties to accomplish the "American Dream". That time is now, a National work Project that accomplishes all that makes this country what it was meant to be the "Leaders of the Free World". We accomplish this by example, setting the standard for excellence for those other nations around the world to appreciate.


Obviously this National Work Project, we will call it "The American Dream" will require funding. We accomplish this by engineering energy independence. We use only U.S. resources for energy. This is entirely feasible with, as I mentioned advances in technology. In 2013 a report conducted by T. Boone Pickens stated; The U.S. government spent $147 billion on OPEC oil, more than what was spent on U.S. Soldiers ($140 billion). Also more than what was spent on education ($72 billion). The answer for funding does not solely rely on increasing oil production in the U.S. it also requires innovation.


We begin The American Dream by generating far more ethanol production to accomplish our energy independence. Ethanol has been in existence for a long time and has been used in vehicles as far back as 1908. Henry Ford, a corn farmer from Michigan built the “Ford Model T”. The Model T's engine was capable of running on gasoline, kerosene, and ethanol. Due to electricity and innovations in electricity, primarily alternating current invented by Nikola Tesla and the the lightbulb invented by Thomas Edison, kerosene lamps were no longer needed to light peoples homes. Therefore kerosene fuel became obsolete and not nearly in as high of a demand as it once was. Because of prohibition beginning in 1920 and ending in 1933 the making of ethanol fuel became illegal during those years. Hence, gasoline became the standard fuel (not necessarily by choice) for automobiles with little or no choice by the consumer. Now today more than ever because of global warming (which has been substantiated by 99 percent of scientists from around the globe) we need to increase ethanol production that will satisfy the demand within the United Sates. This will begin to reduce green house gas emissions created by fossil fuels from internal combustion motors.


Of course increasing ethanol production will raise questions regarding the U.S. oil industry, cost of agriculture, the land that will be used for ethanol agriculture, and infrastructure requirements to generate ethanol naming a few. To be honest, all of the above mentioned contributes ten fold to job creation in the U.S. It also increases wages surpassing minimum wage creating a livable wage, reduces the carbon footprint and green house gas emissions that are contributing to global warming, and puts more money in U.S. consumers pockets by lowering the cost of energy in the U.S.


To accomplish the increase in ethanol production while simultaneously bolstering the oil industry and not affecting the cost of agricultural produce is simple. To bolster oil necessity and ensure that jobs are not lost but created We the People enact a “National Roadway Program”. This program will “pave the way” to a vibrant economy. Any un paved road that is below 7,000 feet in the United States will be paved with asphalt. A constituent of asphalt is oil. Oil is also a constituent of carbon fiber. Carbon fiber has ten times the tensile strength than that of steel. Carbon fiber can also be used to construct suspension bridges due to its tensile strength. It is estimated that over 65,000 bridges in the U.S. are needing desperate repair. This can be done with carbon fiber support mechanisms. Therefore the need for oil in this country will never subside it will only gain traction.


The oil drilling industry also has new innovations. Oil can be extracted from the earth with better, less toxic, higher efficient means. Research has been conducted with a high rate of success regarding the recovery of oil from brine water after fracking. The brine water is the by product of fracking and is often sent down a separate hole for disposal after fracking because of its toxicity. Technology now permits the brine water to be filtered at a high rate (500 gallons per minute) recovering oil and separating chemicals from the brine water. Once filtered the brine water can be reused as water for future fracking. Because of high efficiency water filtration it is possible to eliminate the need for down hole water disposal operations. In addition to this innovation research has been done with electro insitu fracking. This type of oil extraction utilizes technology that eliminates the use of chemicals and recovers only oil while leaving the left over sand / sediment intact. The advantages of this type of extraction is incredibly advantageous. It does not create faults responsible for earthquake like tremors, no need for down hole disposal operations of toxic water, and the cost is far less than conventional means.


The coal industry does not have to suffer either. By not burning coal for energy, it does not mean we cannot use coal for other purposes. Via technological innovations, coal can replace wood in almost all applications, not to mention lots of metal, plastic and other materials we use on a daily basis. Coal as a non-burning resource will drive the expansion of new carbon-based industries that will replace wood-based, metal-based and plastic-based products such as furniture, utility poles, home-construction materials, beams, ropes, industrial belts, car bodies and a host of other products.


Therefore, the purpose of the National Roadway Program is two fold;


1) Guarantee job protection in the U.S. oil industry and job creation for infrastructure and construction.

2) Provide an even surface and boundary for biomass harvest for ethanol agriculture.


To better explain the techniques regarding harvesting ethanol agriculture, for every 25 pounds of grass clippings or bio mass one gallon of cellulosic ethanol can be produced. Each parcel of land that is outline by a road will have a thin parcel of grass next to the road. The paved roads will create the infrastructure necessary for vehicles to travel on while mowing the roadside grasses for cellulosic ethanol production. These roadside parcels will be mowed continually as to provide for the demand of cellulosic ethanol. Eventually developing ethanol production facilities in every city in the United States also contributing to overall job creation.


We understand that infrastructure must be created to support the National Roadway Program. To afford the cost of machinery that will pave roads with asphalt and the machines and infrastructure that will harvest, gather and metabolize the biomass for cellulosic ethanol production funding must be created. The United States is $16.394 Trillion in debt. Citizens in the United States are already taxed to much. How do we pay for The American Dream? Easy, the United States has companies that are constantly innovating and the biggest innovations are in energy. Fossil fuel energy is not the answer. The answer is Low Emission Advanced Renewable Conversion Technologies (LEARCT). The LEARCT Platform is not susceptible to fluctuating commodities, sunlight, or adverse weather conditions. The LEARCT Platform operates 24 hours/day, 365 days/year regardless of sunlight or wind. It is an autonomous closed loop system that has no green house gas emissions and leaves no carbon footprint. It occupies a minimal physical footprint and is highly portable. The challenges that are specific to the LEARCT Platform are simple, they consist entirely of entry barriers by competing energy platforms. Once these barriers are tackled LEARCT will ensure that technological developments are accessible to a wider range of energy strategies to further develop and exploit U.S. technology. The LEARCT Platform is the starting point of The American Dream which includes new products, processes, applications, and services.


More than 80% of the 4,127 Terra Watt / Hours of electricity generated by the U.S. energy infrastructure is owned by the private sector. By integrating the LEARCT Platform within current infrastructure we can begin to gain market share in overall energy generation. We will potentially expand the renewable energy sector from 3% overall to 10% to 20% within the first year of implementation. Simultaneously we will be offering The American Dream strategies (The Roadway Program / Cellulosic Ethanol Production) thus, capturing the market share from foreign fossil fuel energy generation, processes and water remediation. This will be a synchronized reduction of the carbon footprint and green house gas emissions created by current standard technologies.


The cost of our LEARCT clean renewable energy will be far less than the current competing renewable energy technologies of solar and wind. It will also cost less than gas, oil and coal fired energy. All across the U.S.A. the cost of an electric bill can be reduced from 30% to 60% for the average consumer. Due to the LEARCT Platform being an autonomous renewable energy system, the cost for power generation is minimized and profit margins are increased while lowering the price for electricity. The national average for cost of electricity is roughly 0.11 cents per kW/h. We can reduce the cost per kW/h by 30% and supply an additional 20% of the nations clean renewable-energy on demand. This will potentially generate $63.5 billion per year in revenue. We will also reduce the cost for fuel for automobiles without radically changing the engineering infrastructure of the standard internal combustion motor. In fact, vehicles manufactured after 1992 can readily be converted to ethanol burning vehicles. Cellulosic ethanol also has a higher octane rating than petroleum. This translates to more horsepower. Also integrating direct injection, fuel mileage can increase substantially. Research conducted in 1950's achieved 100 miles per gallon with a V8 motor. The price of E85 fuel (85% ethanol 15% petroleum) compared to E10 (10% ethanol 90% petroleum) is 8% to 36% less expensive. Increasing ethanol production substantially will stabilize the cost of ethanol. We project the cost of ethanol to be between $1.50 to $1.75 per gallon.


The LEARCT Platform, The Roadway Program and Cellulosic Ethanol production, these three are the future for energy independence, infrastructure improvements, and job creation for the U.S. By integrating these opportunities within the U.S. they can begin to immediately create funding for government agencies which include the Veterans Administration. By supporting the Veterans Administration, it will provide for funding for the Veterans Hospital currently being constructed in Denver, Colorado. The hospital is $1.73 billion over budget. Instead of cannibalizing needs from other Veterans programs these revenue producing opportunities can create the funding necessary to accomplish the Veterans budget deficit gap.

These opportunities can also create the means necessary to fund an additional U.S. “National Work Project” that will ensure job creation nation wide.


This National Work Project we will call “The American Grande Canal” creates a waterway that follows the boundary between Mexico and the United States. The American Grande project would be a cooperative venture between Mexico and the United States. Mexico is one of the top countries (2014) the U.S. imported goods from ($294 billion) and exported goods to ($240 billion). The canal would span approximately 1,965 miles beginning in Brownsville, TX traversing along the border between U.S. and Mexico and emptying into the Gulf of Baja. A secondary canal would traverse the peninsula of Baja California, Mexico continuing to the Pacific Ocean. These canals will be a conduit for International maritime trade large enough to accommodate the largest of cargo ships.. Establishing new trade routes for the United States and Mexico as well as internationally.  The U.S. would employ military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and also former veterans that served in the U.S. military. Their employment would be guaranteed under the Federal Civil Service Act established in 1871. The Army Corp of Engineers would oversee and manage The American Grande Canal project. This project would truly idealize the term coined by former President Ronald Reagan, “trickle down economics”. Instead of tax reform it will be capitalism with a goal of making profits from a diverse economic platform provoking entrepreneurship across our nation. The people working on the canal will need homes, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, entertainment, etc...these things must be built. Everything a community would require to achieve general well being and quality of life. Also the machinery and materials that are needed to construct the canal must be designed, engineered, manufactured and delivered. The industries that will benefit from all of these projects are exponential.


Where to begin? We begin by creating guaranteed Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for the LEARCT Platform. We can guarantee a fixed price per kW/h as mentioned. This price per kW/h over a fixed amount of tme will be stipulated in each PPA and will be at a discounted price comparative to that specific regions current cost per kW/h. The locations of interest where LEARCT Platforms will be located and integrated within current infrastructure are municipalities with populations less than 25,000. A rough estimate of 34,000 jurisdictions exist in the U.S. having this criteria. This will create a stronger more viable economy in the U.S. and help begin to alleviate the burden high energy costs (electricity and fuel) for those who may have fixed incomes.


To minimize the financial risk of all parties including municipalities, utility organizations, corporate and government entities, Performance Bonds will be issued securing PPA's. The agreements will secure price per kW/h for the term of the contract which will be either a three or five year contract. These bonds will secure 50% of the value of the contract at negotiated price.


For example; Financial Guarantee Bonds will be issued for 0.075 cents per kW/h. The available clean renewable energy available to municipalities, utility organizations, government and corporate entities is 3 MW's. The upfront amount due ($2,956,500) is 50% of the total purchase price for a 3 year contract ($5,913,000) with the remainder to be pro rated by the purchaser over the following 36 months (payment of $82,125 per month). Once contract expires renewable bonds will be offered for future PPAs.


Therefore, the PPA client may be a government agency seeking an additional revenue stream and agree to a 3 year contract needing 1 MW of energy at 0.075 cents per kW/h. This contract is worth $1,971,000 and 50% of that accounts to $985,500 upfront, secured with a Financial Guarantee Bond. That agency can then sell renewable-energy to the municipality, consumer or the household for .09 cents per kW/h (which is less than current average prices) and generate $2,365,200 revenue for that 3 year contract. A profit margin of $394,200 after investment for the government agency. If we multiply this total by the amount of renewable energy we anticipate implementing (20% of 4,127 TW/h = 825.4 TW/h) this equates to $108,457,560,000 annually for that government agency. Remembering this is only at a 30% savings to the consumer in the municipality. If the savings are greater for the municipality the larger the profit margins are for that government agency.


By negotiating these revenue producing opportunities with the U.S. Government it can begin to reduce the National Debt without increasing taxes. It can also afford National work strategies as previously mentioned. Together, We the People and the U.S. Government can accelerate the U.S. economy ten fold and begin a renaissance of industrialization and innovation to accomplish The American Dream.



Kelly Compton


Compton Research Company

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